Baking Kate: Chocolate Chip Cookies

Monday, June 01, 2015

Chocolate chip cookies are some of my favourite treats to eat and to make. I mean they combine two of the best things that exist on this world: cookies and chocolate. What's NOT to love about this simple but delicious delicacy?!

As I was pretty busy with exams this past month, I didn't really have the time to stand in the kitchen all day long. These chocolate chip cookies don't take longer than 20 minutes to make and while they're in the oven, you can even go back to revision...and reward yourself with some warm and gooey cookies afterwards, how about that? That's what I call good time management!

To make 15-20 cookies you will need:
225g softened butter (at room temperature)
170g caster sugar
170g brown sugar
2 eggs (at room temperature)
2 teaspoons vanilla
250g flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
350g chocolate chips (or chopped chocolate)

Pop your oven on to 190 degrees celsius
Cream together your butter and sugar
Add vanilla and eggs and beat slowly
Carefully stir in all the dry ingredients
Throw the chocolate chips in and carefully stir again
Line two baking trays with parchment paper
Using an ice cream scooper, place cookies on at even sizes
Pop them into the pre heated oven for 10-12 minutes
Take cookies out of the oven and let them rest on the baking tray for another 2-3 minutes
Place the cookies on a cooling rack and leave them to cool for about 30 minutes
Enjoy a deliciously warm and gooey cookie with a cup of tea or milk!

Happy Baking! If you decide to recreate this recipe, make sure to send me a picture of it, I'd love to see how you get on! And if you want to see more of my baking results, head over to my instagram.

So long, 
— Kathrin.

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